Chapter 4

Writer Notes: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the terrible acts concerning one character named Pumpkin.  Pumpkin in no way resembles 13pumpkin in appearance and persona or crazies (well maybe just a little).  It is just coincidence.

Warnings: hysterics, hysterics, and hysterics…one picture was photoshopped for effects, not to improve quality or anything like that.  I don’t do that stuff.

Nova stood in horror.  “Pumpkin?!?”  It couldn’t have been.  No.  But there she was, smiling.

“No.” Nova took a step back.  “You were casted away, sealed, never to return.”

Pumpkin laughed full-heartedly.  “Oh, aren’t you happy to see me, brother?”

“Stop calling me that!” Nova shouted.  “You are no sister of mine!”

“Not by blood any way.” Pumpkin began.  “But how is our dear father?”

Salem stood aloof.  Who was this woman?  She called Nova brother and asked of his father–their father.  She surely was no Shadow Being though.

“Pumpkin,” Nova inhaled.  “By orders of almighty power declared of Marvelous Mac, you are in–”

“Exiled.” Pumpkin interrupted.  “But how curious our dear father, an exile, has the power to exile me away.”

“You were sealed!” Nova warmed his anger.  He had to keep her talking.  He could not afford confrontation with her.  He may not win.  Nonetheless, his father would be there soon.  And Pumpkin was no match for Mac.

“Yes,” Pumpkin began.  “Sealed away for all eternity!”  She laughed in hysterics.  “But evidently not!”

The attack had no warning and Nova’s shadow protection had no effect.

Salem screamed. “NO!”

Pumpkin’s crazies returned.  She sat in a pool of Nova’s blood and laughed, laughed, and laughed.

“Revenge.” was depicted from her antics.  “How sweet.”

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